Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Nominations Sought

Categories: Academic Affairs

The Center for Graduate Life is calling for nominations for the 2017-2018 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award, one at the Doctoral level and one at the Master’s Level.

This faculty-nominated award is open to all GTAs who meet the following criteria:

  1. The nominee must have demonstrated superior teaching skills while serving as a stand-alone instructor in the classroom or laboratory, or assisting the professor with teaching in the classroom or laboratory.
  2. The nominee should have outstanding student evaluations.  If the program in which the nominee teaches does not collect student evaluations, the nominee must offer equivalent substitutions.  Nominees without student evaluations are unlikely to succeed in the award process.
  3. The nominee should have original teaching materials that support his or her nomination.
  4. The nominee must have had significant teaching responsibilities for at least two semesters.  The current semester may be counted.
  5. Nominees must be enrolled full-time.
  6. Nominees must be able to request a letter of recommendation from a faculty member who has worked closely with them in their teaching role.  This letter can be from the faculty member who nominated them.

Faculty supervisors of GTAs have been notified about the award as well. If there are any outstanding GTAs you’d like to see recognized, please submit a nomination, even if you are not the supervisor.

Nominations should be emailed to Judith Krauss at jkrauss@uncc.edu.  Nomination emails require only the nominee’s nameID 800 numberemail addressdegree, and program. Dr. Krauss will contact the nominees directly and guide them through the rest of the application and submission process.

  • The deadline for nominations is Friday February 9th
  • Nominees will have until Friday March 2nd to submit their packets.
  • The award ceremony will be held April 20th — mark your calendars!

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