Venturprise Accepting Applications for NSF I-CORPS Cohort

Categories: Student Affairs

Ventureprise Inc. is now accepting applications from UNC Charlotte teams for the spring 2018 I-Corps cohort. The program, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), helps participants bridge academic and entrepreneurial knowledge.

The eight-week curriculum focuses on customer discovery and business model generation. Among the support services offered are infrastructure (workspace in PORTAL), commercialization advice, training and funding. Teams are eligible for grants up to $3,000, with the opportunity to pursue additional funding opportunities in excess of $1 million.

Eligible teams must have an idea or research in a science, technology, engineering or mathematics (STEM) field.

Each team must contain an academic (faculty) lead and an entrepreneurial lead, which should be a student or staff member interested in innovation and entrepreneurship with knowledge of the team’s research or technology. The student can be undergraduate, graduate or post-doctoral, and teams can include multiple entrepreneurial leads.

Entrepreneurial leads will be required to participate in two hours of programming each week and complete approximately 30 customer interviews during the course of the program.

Applications for the spring 2018 cohort are accepted on a rolling basis until all spots are filled. Visit to download the application or learn more about the program.

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