Upcoming Spring 2018 GRAD Courses

GRAD courses offered by the Graduate School are an excellent way for your students to enhance their professional skills outside their academic discipline. For the Spring 2018 semester, we are offering seven unique credit-bearing courses for the graduate student. From academic writing to leadership development, expert faculty deliver interactive content designed to help round-out graduate student skills, regardless of career path.

“Research shows many graduate students lack the soft-skill basics employers want and need when they graduate,” says Tom Reynolds, Associate Provost and Dean of the Graduate School. “Through the Center for Graduate Life, its Faculty Associates, and our partnerships with various campus departments, colleges and the Charlotte community, we are pleased to offer a large selection of courses designed to help meet this need.”

For Spring 2018, we add to the offerings with three new courses:

  • Intrapreneurship for Non-Business Majors GRAD 6000 (CRN# 27381)
    An intrapreneur is defined by American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language as a person within a corporation or organization who takes direct responsibility for turning an idea into a viable finished product or service through assertive risk-taking and innovation. Through this two-credit course, the graduate student will learn how to create, and develop new ideas, turning them into final products/services.
  • Academic Writing for Graduate Students GRAD 6000 (CRN# 27382)| GRAD 8000 (CRN# 27383)
    Graduate students who seek refinement in their academic writing skills, especially those related to writing about empirical research, will find this this three-credit course beneficial. Through it, students will gain skills needed to effectively produce key parts of an empirical paper: introduction, literature review, methodology, analysis, results, discussion and conclusion. Additionally, students will explore different academic genres relevant to their disciplines, which may include conference proposals, book reviews, and research articles.   International students should visit the Courses web page for specific pre-requisites.
  • Data Analysis and Presentation for Impact GRAD 6040 (CRN# 27164 | GRAD 8040 (CRN# 27173)
    In this two-credit course, graduate students learn to gather, organize and present data for understanding and impact in professional settings. This critical skill will help students advance in decision-making, predictive modeling, etc. so they can be successful in their chosen careers.

We encourage you to share this weblink http://gradlife.uncc.edu/what-we-offer/academic-courses with your students, their advisors, faculty and within your department. Registration opens October 30th and students can do so via my.uncc.edu

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