More than 80 members of UNC Charlotte’s Graduate Education community participated in the September 8 Grad Ed Summit. Program Directors, Department Chairs and other administrators heard from Graduate School staff and shared ideas and questions in the Halton Reading Room of the Atkins Library.
Following introductory remarks by Graduate School Dean Tom Reynolds and Graduate Council Chair Christine Haynes, Graduate School staff formally introduced GPDNet, the new on-line portal for Graduate Program Directors. Katherine Hall-Hertel then updated attendees on DegreeWorks and CGL activities. Johnna Watson discussed admissions developments, and Alan Freitag explained the Graduate School’s restructured approach to strategic communication in support of graduate education and outreach efforts to the military/veteran population.
Open discussion followed, covering topics from recruiting to student funding processes. The Summit concluded with the announcement that beginning in May 2018, doctoral students will be recognized in a separate hooding ceremony apart from the traditional commencement exercises.
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